F!Dimileth week ♡

Guidelines ♡

Please @Dimilethweek or there is a chance we won't see your submission

Nsfw is allowed!

You don't have to hide your nsfw but you have to tag it so people can filter out #nsfw and #NSFW (if you want to avoid nsfw filter out both of those because twitter filter is finicky)

Tag your nsfw

If it's irl nsfw please tag it as such

All type of fanworks are allowed!

No stolen fanworks allowed!

Feel free to tag your submission as #dimilethweek & #dimilethweek"year it is"

No offensive content is allowed that can be considered racist, bigoted, homphobic, biphobic, panphobic ect

No ot3 that includes characters other than Dimitri & Byleth is allowed this week is for them alone

Background characters are of course okay! but Dimitri & Byleth must be the focus of the fanwork

No ocs are allowed example oc/Dimitri or Byleth/oc

Byleth's oc are not allowed either! they are oc based on Byleth not Byleth herself so it's not Dimileth! same goes vice versa!

They can be side characters in your fanworks though ♡

NSFW week has same rules as the normal week has ♡

Please tag NSFW week as #fdimilethnsfw or #fdimilethnsfw"year it is"

faq ♡

Q - Why just F!Dimileth?

A - This used to be a Dimileth week account for both M!Dimileth and F!Dimileth then M!Dimileth fans made their own week and we held a poll to see if we should change to a F!Dimileth week only and 90% said Yes so here we are

Q - Where is the M!Dimileth week?

A- Currently now in 2020 @MDimileth on twitter is holding it but it seems like it's a personal account if there ever a M!Dimileth week account that pops up we will link it here ♡

Q - Is trans girl Byleth, enby/nb or other gender identity Byleth allowed?

A - Yes! So long you feel comfortable with it being labled F!Dimileth and don't see it as M!Dimileth any gender identity that isn't M!Byleth is allowed ♡ If Byleth has diffrent pronouns than she/her and it's important people uses those pronouns for Byleth please put so in your submission example [they/them], [Xer/Xem], ect

Q - Is F!Dimileth week anywhere else?

A - We have a tumblr blog as well! it's also called Dimilethweek but we aren't as active there as we are on twitter we are trying to be more active there!

Q - Why do you have the handle Dimilethweek if it's for F!Dimileth only?

A - We used to be a Dimileth week for both before it changed to F!Dimileth only, we will make it very clear we are a F!Dimileth week only now

Q - Who are the artist?

A - We will always credit the artist in the bio if we use their art in our icon or header! or in the replies if they do promo art! ♡

Q - Why aren't the first two promo art credited?

A - The first two promo art are uncredited because the artist said it was okay not to credit them because it's old art but in the future we will credit all the artist more! but if you want to check the artist out, their art account it @floweryuus and currently their main is @Dimilethtrash on twitter ♡

Q - Why do you ask if artist/graphic designers if they like to collab with you?

Q - We have artist who are willing to help us everytime, but we do want to give other artist a chance if they are intrested to have their creation on the week. This is completely voluntairy if you do not want to we won't force you. We just know how exciting and fun it is to be able to have your art on an fandom event and we don't want to seem we are favouring any artist over others, so we let people know we are open to collab with other creators.

Q - Do you hate M!Dimileth?

A - No we just like F!Dimileth for our own reasons just like how people like both or just M!Dimileth for their own reasons, we will happily promote any M!Dimileth related week just DM us and we will RT to promo it

Q - Why are the prompts so vague/non specific?

A - We mods prefer vague prompts we know a lot of people do too because it gives people a lot to work with, we find to non vague/specific prompts be hard to work around, we apologize if you feel the prompts are too specific or not specific enough! That's how we prefer it and how we will do it

Q - Who are the mods?

A - We are currently two mods, both artist and writers! we don't want to give away our identity, because we don't want to be harrassed if you're a person who know who we are because we told you in private or you read so on private twitter accounts please respect that we don't want our identity out, Thank you! ♡

Q - You forgot to tag/mention something important

A - We apologize! Sadly tweets can't be edited but we will update either in replies or in QRT with info with what we forgot and if there a tag we forgot we will mention what you can filter out!

Q - I hate this decision you made you should have done X or Y

A - We get you're upset but please don't vague or be rude to us we are only human and doing this on our free time for fun if there isn't a decision you like that's rather harmless but doesn't fit your prefrence you can suggest how you like us to do it and we will take it into consideration which doesn't mean we will do it but that we will think over it, but please don't be rude to us as you suggest another way to do things we still have feelings and one of the reasons why we have like to keep our identity hidden we would like to avoid having people directly vauging us or harrassing us

Q - Can I submit prompts for the week?

A - No, after NSFW week in 2020 a lot of people were upset and angry at the user submited prompts and took out their anger and frustration on the mods so we decided we won't take any more user submited prompts if you don't like the prompts sorry to hear that we hope next time you may like them but please treat us with like humans and don't take out your frustration and anger on us we hold the week out of love for the ship on our free time, we are humans so please treat us as such.

If there any more question don't hesitate to ask us on twitter or tumblr ♡

( Made with Carrd )